"You are to think back over the last four weeks about your progress as a learner. HOW has your learning changed? HOW are you using your study group? HOW are you and your group improving as problem-solvers? What help do you still need? Evaluate your study habits. Do you have a regular time and place to study? Do you regularly consult your study group during that time? How much time per week are you devoting to studying Physics? What grade have you earned for the first marking period? EXPLAIN."
So, my first four weeks in AP physics has gotten me to see a lot about myself. I've learned how to present things I've learned and explain things I've read. My study group and I have had some fun and done some real, legitimate work. We've picked up on the 5-step problem solving method and using powerpoint to present our results in a neat and orderly manner.
-a graph I made on paint for my first presentation in Tillays AP physics class.
As for my study habits. I don't have a regular time to study but I always study upstairs in my livingroom, because thats where i leave my Giancoli book. I've consulted my study group occasionally, but it's not a daily thing I do. I devote about 3-4 hours every week studying physics, but it tends to vary and I'm just giving a bold estimate. I think I've earned a 5- for this grading period because I've done a lot of work for it and have showed change and results in my study habits and my quality of work. I've come into this class with a new attitude and work ethic, and started off on the right foot. I've been willing to work with others and have successfully given results with our fully electronic presentations and documents. Also, I got ahead of the game by cornell noting chapters 1-5 on Giancoli. And, as always, my whole notebook is on my 80 gig harddrive and I even have a new addition. Not only do I do my timelog now... but I even made a timelog table as an RTF document on my harddrive! With my new attitude change, the work I've put in, my electronic use and capabilities, and my improvements from last year, I believe I deserve a 5-
-Thank you for reading my input and see you next blog!
Val Joseph :D